Roses for the Scented Room
Beautiful Ideas for Entertaining, Gift-giving and the Home
A rose is so much more than a rose in this book which presents entertaining, gift giving and decorating ideas celebrating the
beauty of roses. Barbara describes the basics, from the many varieties of roses available, from old-fashioned to modern hybrids,
and explains how to choose the best roses from a florist or from your own garden. There are dozens of simple how-to ideas for using
roses in the home or giving them as gifts including recipes like Jasmine Rose Tea, Rose Ice Cubes, and Rose Wedding Confetti.
Barbara also shares her comprehensive source guide of the best rose gardens around the world, along with her favorite flower-filled
hotels and restaurants, rose garden tours, books, suppliers, and catalogues.
7 ½ X 10 ½, 196 Photographs
$25, Autographed Copy |